Dragos Olea talks about his first meeting with SUZANNE at Topographie de l’Art for the social media Elaine Alain.
Dragos Olea, active member of the APPARATUS 22 collective beside Erika Oléa and Maria Farcas, goes to the Topographie de l’Ar arts pace in Paris on March 15th 2019. During his short visit, he meets the founders of SUZANNE for the first time while they rehearse their new creation “MERCURES“, programmed in the collective exhibition “MAPPING AT LAST”. This is the occasion for Dragos to share his first impressions about SUZANNE in a short text published on @elainealain instagram.
“When we arrived to the backside of the large Espace Topographie de l’Art in Marais, the 5 members of @groupesuzanne were rehearsing for a performance.
There was palpable sense of electricity in the room.
Quite electric was also our short dialogue. Everything is fresh and ever-changing for the young collective initiated in October 2017, but one could feel the determination of a clairvoyant; Inspired by the small gestures that accompany us every day they are IN to test some raw ideas about the body in an approach cross-pollinated by the various cultural, educational, professional background of the members. Maybe not evident yet in the work, they are also testing ways of collaboration in a fluid large group and modes of surpassing the practical difficulties of collective work in an art system geared towards the individual.
Look them up”
Text from Dragos Olea for Elaine Alain